Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Ringtones and Yahoo Search Marketing

For anyone working with Yahoo Search Marketings old platform, you'll feel my pain on this, and may not even know it.
Few weeks ago, I was checking out some stats on my ringtone sites. Looking at logs, and found some sickening info. 30% of my unique clicks are coming from outside of the USA. And to make matters worse, I'm using Azoogle, and in their geotargetting, they send non USA clicks to other places, some go to a UK ringtone program, some to an Australian program, and the rest go to a little program that produces about a $0.0000001 earnings per click. So what I did was start geotargetting myself. And what a change it made. So instead of making a very small fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a cent, I've turned that into $0.05 per click redirecting all my non-USA traffic to an Adsense page, and while it may not sound like alot, it sure is making a difference on the ROI. But here's my gripe about it. I'm still losting money on those clicks even with this geotracking. I'm still paying a max of $0.10 per click, and I'm earning $0.05 back on it. And this is about where it stays, they still send that junk traffic, and I have to put up with it. Good thing about it though is they have their new console they're coming out with, so I hope Yahoo's geotargetting really takes a turn for the better after ALL my accounts are upgraded to this new version. I only have one account upgraded, and I haven't checked it yet. So we'll see.


Anonymous said...

I have a ringtone record label and find your info. interesting. I would think with the internet and a digital based business like ours, outside the u.s.a. would be just great..

I'll research some of your key words here, because I am seeing a profit on itunes and would like to find out more about marketing on the internet since I know virtually nothing about it.

If you would like to contact me

Im at :




Anonymous said...

Good post and this enter helped me alot in my college assignement. Say thank you you seeking your information.